Money Blocks : How To Clear Yours For Financial Abundance

Most Common Money Blocks
Regardless of a person’s financial situation, having some money blocks is very common in today’s society – even for rich people or people who seemingly “have it all.” It’s also very common for people to have a general lack mindset surrounding money. Sometimes people think there isn’t enough money in the world and that it requires hard work to come by. Sound familiar?
Here are a few of the most common limiting beliefs and negative self-talk which can lead to money blocks to watch out for:
- Earning money is hard or I will never have enough money
- I have to trade my time in order to get more money
- Money is the root of all evil
- Wealthy people have too much power
- Having more money will set me apart from my loved ones
- Money scares me, or I have a fear of success
- I don’t deserve to have a lot of money
These thoughts can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, which is of course not what we want. The good news is, recognizing this is the first step to financial freedom and abundance!
Money Blocks : How To Identify Them
Take a few minutes to sit down and brainstorm at least three limiting beliefs or negative thoughts you have. Try to dig a little deeper and think about different financial situations you have been in, as sometimes these beliefs are mainly stored in our subconscious mind and can be hard to identify. The strongest and most important beliefs to pay attention to are those that are typically present regardless of external factors or things happening to you. Once you’re finished, write down a positive belief that challenges each of your identified negative beliefs. Here is an
Positive corresponding belief : Money is the root of happiness, freedom and time.

Identifying YOUR money blocks and abundance blocks:
- Think about how you FEEL when you handle money or check your bank account. How do you feel when you make a big purchase? Once you’ve identified how you feel, next brainstorm about why you feel that way…
- Ask yourself what your parents taught you about money through their actions and level of wealth as you grew up. Same goes for close childhood friends, anyone you were around frequently while growing up, and those closest to you now. Their situation and beliefs most likely rubbed off on you at least somewhat, creating certain beliefs about money that are with you today.
- What absolute statements about money do you find yourself making? Anytime we say always or never, those statements are rarely true and are more than likely just ourselves making false assumptions to avoid uncertainty.
If you’re noticing you’re expecting negative things to happen involving money, bank account, or any debt you have, that’s a great place to start. Your expectations and thoughts create your reality, hence why we need to clear these money blocks! Law of attraction says that the majority of the world’s money goes to people who feel the best and most positive about wealth, and there is plenty of evidence to support this.
Now the next step is to explore these money blocks more deeply in order to start feeling positive about money. There are lots of ways in which you can start to do that, and it does require some work, but the first step is noticing when these beliefs and thoughts come up in everyday life.
9 Easy Ways to Clear Your Money Blocks & Abundance Barriers
Use these methods to start clearing your money blocks over time for positive change and to take your financial success to a new level.
- Continue to investigate and notice these limiting beliefs / money blocks as they come up. Write them down in a note on your phone or in a notebook to keep track.
- Work on fully realizing your negative beliefs are not true. Find proof in real life. If journaling works for you, or if you’ve never journaled and are open to it, that’s a great way to do so. For example, if you have the belief that earning money is hard, remind yourself that earning money isn’t always hard and that sometimes it seems to fall into our lap! For example – when you get an unexpected refund, win a contest or get money as a gift. There are also plenty of people all around the world that make passive income through different income streams like stocks, investments, businesses and more.
- Practice positive affirmations about money as often as possible. Learn more about positive affirmations and how to implement them into your daily life here at my blog post!
- Remove anything that would remind you of lack of money that you see in your daily environment. For example, don’t leave bills laying around or continuously check your debt balance. A certain amount of attention is of course necessary to keep things in check, but don’t dwell on any lack of money. Remember to never focus too much on the negative or you’ll get more negative.
- On the flip
side , I’ve heard a great way to get rid of money blocks is to leave envelopes filled with some cash laying around yourhouse . Similarly, Joe Vitale gives the tip to keep a $100 bill in your wallet at all times in his course The Secret To Attracting Money, which I have taken and can vouch for!!l This will subconsciously make you feel like money is everywhere. - If you use a vision board, include something that symbolizes wealth for you. I used to use a photo of a lot of cash on my vision board but I realized that won’t work for me because I never take cash out. Since then I’ve put a photo that symbolizes me traveling the world, because that’s the first thing I would do with more money!
- Make a point to organize the money you currently do have and take care of it. Create a spending plan. Get a new wallet, make sure you’re taking advantage of all your money streams, and get to a place where you can feel good about what you do have. Increase your financial literacy by learning about personal finance.
- Play the money manifesting game developed by Abraham Hicks. To play the game, each day visualize that the universe is giving you a check and you have to spend the full amount by the end of the day. The amount of money increases each day or each time you play. This gets you into the abundance mindset for a few powerful minutes a day! An important rule while playing is to not give any of it away so that you can resonate with the belief that abundance is available for everyone, there is no lack.
- MOST IMPORTANTLY! Be appreciative of the money and things you do have. This is always a good thing to do. When you get a check, instead of thinking about how you’re going to burn right through it anyway, think about how thankful you are for getting it! When you’re at the mall instead of thinking about how much you’d love that coat hanging up in the window, think about how much you like the coats you already have. Money is money! Without doing this you won’t be able to attract abundance.

A very important last step…
Take inspired action! You have to follow your intuition in order to accept and receive what the universe is giving you. Before you clear your money blocks, you are likely to miss opportunities that are right in front of you because you aren’t able to see them. Once your negative beliefs start to clear, opportunities will start appearing and you have to take action to follow them, even if that takes you out of your comfort zone! This is what I struggle the most with personally.
If your limiting beliefs don’t change immediately or as quickly as you want, don’t give up! Sometimes the amount of resistance you had built up can make it take a little longer to start manifesting abundance, but if you give up you’ll never know! Don’t expect your limiting beliefs surrounding money to clear immediately.
It’s hard to change your deeply
For more tips on how to clear your limiting beliefs and a powerful manifesting tool, read my Affirmations blog here.
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Lauren Kessel is the author and owner of the Inspired Self Discovery blog. She is passionate about supporting personal growth and transformation in her life and others through yoga, mindfulness, spirituality and personal development. Lauren has been writing for over 15 years, practicing yoga for even longer, and has always had an interest in inner work.
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