EFT Tapping Points Chart For Anxiety Relief and Freedom
I’m always looking for tools that will help me to lower my stress levels, release limiting beliefs and anxiety I have, and feel better on a daily basis. When I found out about tapping to release emotions stuck within your body, I immediately noticed a difference in my anxiety levels and so did my family members who tried it. It’s an easy exercise you can do anywhere, any time!
EFT Tapping Points Chart & Blog Summary
In case you have a short attention span like me, below you’ll find an easy to read EFT tapping points chart, which you can use to create your own regular practice. Utilizing the practice of Tapping can help you achieve anxiety relief, along with helping any mental distress you may be having immediately or in your every day life.

Full EFT Tapping Points Guide
For those that are interested, I wrote an entire blog about the concept of EFT tapping, since this is such a powerful practice that can be used by anyone regardless of their budget or resources.
What is EFT Tapping?
Tapping is a form of holistic healing that stems from acupressure and is done by using the fingertips to stimulate EFT tapping points on the body. You can either do tapping on yourself or have a healer perform it on you , but for today’s blog we’re going to talk about self-administered EFT tapping.
Tapping on these points while focusing on negative emotions relieves stress and anxiety by changing your DNA expression, hormone production and brain activation – aka it’s SUPER powerful. Tapping calms the nervous system, retrains the brain to respond to negative emotion in healthier ways in the future, and brings your body back into energetic harmony. Yes please!
Research has been done on tapping to prove that it does work and that it actually calms the amygdala in the brain – which is connected to emotion, effectively regulates the nervous system and reduces stress and anxiety. Healthline discusses how the EFT method was found to have a positive effect on PTSD in a 2016 study, and this study proved its effectiveness for anxiety. Convinced yet?
How to Find EFT Tapping Points
Karate Chop Point
The first EFT tapping point you’ll need to know is the Karate Chop Point, because this is the one you’ll use to start out the exercise each time.
Karate Chop Point: Located on the side of the hand below your pinky, about halfway between the tip of your pinky and the end of your palm (which you would you use in a karate chop!).
8 Important EFT Tapping Points
These points will be used in the rest of the exercise:
Top of Head Point: In the middle of the top of your head, on your crown.
Eyebrow Point: Where you eyebrows begin on either side, on the inside near your nose.
Side of Eye Point: Outside the outer corner of your eye, on each side.
Under Eye Point: On the bony socket directly below your pupil, on both sides.
Under Nose Point: Above your lip and under your nose, directly in the middle.
Chin Point: Below the lip and above the chin, right on the crease.
Collarbone Point: To find this one, find the point where your collar bones meet in the center of your chest, right about where you’d tie a bow tie. Go down and out about an inch, on both sides.
Under Arm Point: Under the arm on each side, a few inches below the armpit, about halfway down your bra strap.
Basic Tapping Exercise
There are a bunch of different ways you can engage these EFT tapping points but starting out with a basic exercise usually called the “Basic Tapping Recipe” is the best place to start.
To do this tapping exercise, first find something that has been causing you a significant amount of anxiety or stress in your life recently. Next decide on a 1) Set up statement and 2) Reminder statement(s). You’ll use the set up statement to start off your tapping session, and you’ll use your reminder statement(s) during the rest of the session. Your set up statement will be a sentence that identifies what it is that’s bothering you and stirs the negative emotion (stress, anxiety, fear, anger, etc.). This will be followed by an affirmation statement rooted in self love and acceptance. For example, if you’ve been anxious about money lately you could use:
Set Up Statement: “Even though I have some anxiety about my financial situation, I love and accept myself.”
Next for your reminder statement you just need to find a statement that will keep the negative emotion alive in your body. For example:
Reminder Statement: Anxiety about my financial situation OR/AND Scared I’m going to run out of money to pay my bills
You can either use a combination of different reminder statements or use the same one repeatedly, whichever works best for you!
EFT Tapping Exercise Step By Step
Before you start I recommend finding a quiet place you won’t be interrupted or distracted. Sometimes putting on calming or meditative music helps to get in the zone.
- Asses the level of negative emotion you’re feeling about the chosen situation and assign it a number on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the strongest.
- Start off by saying your set up statement 3 times while tapping your karate chop point on either side. You don’t need to do both sides to be effective, so do what feels best. After you do this you’ll probably notice a feeling of pulsing energy in your hand.
- Move on to tap the top of your head, and then move through the rest of the tapping points, while saying your reminder statement(s). This can be done on one side at a time or both at the same time, both are effective ways of doing this tapping exercise. You should say each reminder statement once or more for each point, and aim to tap each point 5-7 times with a medium amount of pressure. Using 2-4 fingers to tap helps, so that you can make sure you aren’t tapping too lightly.
- Once you’re done, re-asses your negative feeling toward the given issue and assign it a number. Depending on your results, repeat this exercise over and over, or daily until the level of emotion feels very low or at 0. Sometimes this can take a short amount of time, or it can take longer and be something you need to do over time. Regardless, any work you do is helping to lower your stress and anxiety!
Simple enough right? If you want to start using the EFT method regularly, I recommend downloading The Tapping Solution’s App which has more information on tapping and some more exercises for you to try. Make sure to leave a comment or send me a message if you use this tapping exercise and want to share your experience – I’d love to hear!
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Lauren Kessel is the author and owner of the Inspired Self Discovery blog. She is passionate about supporting personal growth and transformation in her life and others through yoga, mindfulness, spirituality and personal development. Lauren has been writing for over 15 years, practicing yoga for even longer, and has always had an interest in inner work.
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