Energized Balance Yoga Sequence To Improve Balance
Balancing yoga poses are my favorite yoga poses because they’re challenging and it’s easy to see growth as your muscles strengthen, and you get more solid and stabile! It’s so satisfying when you finally feel steady in that pose you’ve practiced for months. I do this particular flow a lot during my at-home practice and you can do this one too to improve your balance and advance your practice!

1. Revolved Side Angle
First comes revolved side angle pose. This is one of my favorite poses when I’m trying to get stretched out and its an easy twisting pose for detoxing. Make sure to reach up and twist your chest upwards towards the sky (P.S. typically my chest would be twisted higher towards the sky, but this screenshot was the best I could get from the video I took)!

2. Half Moon to Bound Half Moon
Next is our first balancing pose, half moon! I typically use a block for this pose but for flows sometimes its better to go without to keep the momentum. This pose is tricky so don’t feel bad if you wobble or fall over. It will be SO worth it when you’ve done it for the 100th time and you feel strong and stable ;). To really challenge your balance in the pose, reach your leg back and grab your foot!

3. Buddha Squats
Next do a few buddha squats to regain your balance and grounding. These also work your leg muscles of course!

4. Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
This is a tricky one! Next move into hand-to-big-toe pose. Start with bringing your knee up in a bent position in front of your body, standing up straight at the front of your mat. Grab your big toe and work on extending the leg straight out in front of you. Putting the hand you aren’t using on your hip helps for stabilization! Once you’re able to get your leg straight or almost straight you can work on bringing your leg out towards the side, which is what I’m doing in the above photo. Once you’ve held it for a few seconds, bring it back towards center and slowly lower your leg 🙂

5. Airplane
If you’re feeling super stabile, try to move into airplane without touching your leg to the ground from the last pose. Its worth a trip! Move into airplane pose with your arms wherever is most comfortable. Work on getting your back leg as far up as possible with your chest still parallel to the ground.

7. Standing Split or Handstand
From airplane move into either standing split or work on hops up into a handstand! If you work on handstands remember to squeeze your stomach muscles, especially because at this point in the flow you will probably be feeling in and you don’t want to fall over!

8. Chaturanga
And lastly finish up your flow with chaturanga!
Now put it all together and do it a few times in a row for a great workout and practice to improve your balance! You can see me doing the full thing in the video below. Don’t mind my shakiness 😂, it was VERY hot that day and thats a balancing flow for ya!
Have fun!
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Lauren Kessel is the author and owner of the Inspired Self Discovery blog. She is passionate about supporting personal growth and transformation in her life and others through yoga, mindfulness, spirituality and personal development. Lauren has been writing for over 15 years, practicing yoga for even longer, and has always had an interest in inner work.
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